Sad WhatsApp Emojis You Should Know About

Sad WhatsApp Emojis You Should Know About

There are thousands of WhatsApp emojis. But is there anyone who is familiar with all of these?

Every day when we use WhatsApp due to some purpose we use this, but we are not aware of all those emojis.

Sad WhatsApp Emojis Meanings

While expressing your sorrow you might often need to use a variety of emojis to make the other person know that you are sad but not in words because as they tell, silence is the best cure at times.

These are mostly yellow face with closed and frown, downcast eyes because it is aching with sadness or pain.

This is also known as disappointed face emoji in WhatsApp.

So if you are feeling sad and you need to use some sad emojis in WhatsApp you can go through the undermentioned sad emojis and become familiar with all these things.

Sad WhatsApp emojis Meanings of some of them are-

  • Anguished face (😧)-

This is a yellow face with an open frown, small open eyes and raised eyebrows.

Its eyebrows give it a proper surprised expression.

It got approved as a part of Unicode 6.1 in 2012 and 1.0 in 2015. This face is also known as a pained face.

  • Pleading face (🥺)-

This emoji is also known as a face with pleading eyes. Basically, this was added to emoji 11.0 in 2018.

If you want to represent adoration or feeling touch by a loving gesture to anyone, you can use this emoji.

  • Loudly crying face (😭)-

If you want to convey inconsolable grief and also other intense feelings like overwhelming then we use this emoji which has been approved as a part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and again added to emoji 1.0 in 2015.

This emoji is also known as like “bawling face”, “crying face”, “sad tears face”, “ sobbing face” etc.

  • Pensive face (😔)-

If you want to convey different varieties of disappointed and sad emotions to any of your friends which will be less intense than other sad emojis, you can use this emoji.

Other names of this emoji are “sorrowful face”, “sad face”, etc.

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It has approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and again added to emoji 1.0in 2015.

Actually, it is featured as a bored and neutral expression.

This is a yellow face with closed eyes, sad furrowed eyebrows, and a slight flat mouth.

This is the much-known emoji which is used in WhatsApp for sorrow rather than other emojis.

  • Slightly frowning face (🙁)-

If you want to convey a mild degree of concern, sadness, disappointment you can use this emoji as well.

This was approved as the part of Unicode 7.0 in 2014 and added to emoji 1.0 in 2015.

This emoji is also known as slightly sad emoji.

This is an emoji where you can see the yellow face with open eyes, simple and slight frown.

  • Worried face (😟)-

This is a yellow face with raised and furrowed eyebrows as well abroad frown.

Basically, this sad emoji is used to convey once you are sad or tense including concern, disappointment, unhappiness, and anxiety etc.

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it was approved as a part of 6.1 in 2012 and after that, it has added to emoji 1.0 in 2015.

This is also known as a sad face or only sad emoji.

But make sure don’t be confused with a dizzy face or with an astonished face.

Those are different from this emoji which indicates that you are a bit worried for some matter.

  • Flushed face (😳)-

If you want to show your embarrassment, you can easily use this type of sad emoji which is a yellow face with a small closed mouth and white eyes with blushing cheeks and staring straight ahead.

This was approved as a part of Unicode 60. In 2010 and later on approved as emoji 1.0 in 2015.

The other names are like blushing face, shame face, embarrassed face etc. it conveys other senses and feelings like surprise, admiration, excitement, flattery, disbelief etc. so, this is one of the valuable sad emojis which is used most of the times in the WhatsApp.

  • Lying face (🤥)-

This face is used for conveying disbelief, dishonesty or feeling abashed etc. this emoji has some special appeal of its own and that is why this is totally different with other sad emojis in WhatsApp.

There are some other names of this emoji like long nose face, Pinocchio face or liar face which was approved as a part of Unicode 9.0 in 2016 and after that, it was added to emoji 3.0 in 2016.

  • Downcast face with sweat (😓)-

This face’s meaning widely varies because this face conveys a sense of sadness, frustration, pain, a disappointment which is similar with grinning face with sweat, sad with a relieved face, crying face etc.

This emoji was approved as a part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and after that, it was added to emoji 1.0 in 2015.  

It was previously featured as a blue face but after that, it has been changed to yellow face with a frown, closed eyes and a bead of sweat dripping from its forehead.

  • Person frowning (🙍)-

This face is also known as woman frowning. It was approved as a part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and after that added to emoji 1.0 in 2015.

This conveys a frowning dismay person who is very much upset due to some reason.

This is a bit different from other sad emojis which are used in WhatsApp as sad face emojis.

But one fact which you need to know is, it will be gender natural displays as a woman on iOS and as a man on windows.

So these are the sad emojis which are basically used in WhatsApp. So why are you waiting?

You can check all those emojis in the WhatsApp and use them as much as you can. By this way, you can convey your feeling or sense when you are so